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So you’re moving into your dream home, and you and your partner are keen to find the best possible taps to match the amazing bathroom design you fell in love with. Perhaps you’d just like to modernise the taps, especially if you’ve bought a home that had more traditional and humble beginnings. Knowing how to choose a bathroom tap that matches the bathroom design can be the perfect way to round off the space. At the end of the day, you will be getting more enjoyment out of the space by doing so, and guests will be wowed by the attention to detail paid to creating the most exquisite space you can imagine.
Should All Your Bathroom Taps Match?
This is a common question when it comes to making any renovations in the bathroom or kitchen space. Ideally, there will be consistency between taps for more modern designs, in order to round off the space better. This is not a fixed rule, however, especially when getting more creative with the types of taps and the different uses you might have for different ones across the space. Many people are also curious about whether taps should match the doorknobs. This doesn’t have to be the case, but it is possible to highlight a tap with a unique design element by considering an accented metal finish. In many cases, the “wow factor” comes in with the tap itself, so you wouldn’t want to highlight the doorknob first to detract from that.
The Right Size Matters
Choosing the right bathroom tap to match the bathroom design requires you to think beyond just the way it looks.
The correct size matters and congruence between proportions can create a much more unified overall look. Practically speaking the height of the taps matter too, because you may end up buying a tap that is too short resulting in water splashing all over your bathroom floor. You should also take into account the direction of the aerator. A widespread tap with an aerator angled at a 45-degree angle will allow for comfortable daily use.
A wall-mounted tap that comes complete with a spout needs special consideration, the distance between the spout and the basin is critical. It is advisable that the endpoint of the spout is as close to the centre of the basin as possible. Again, this kind of attention to detail can really round off the space and create fewer headaches for you and your partner along the way.
Do Online Research & Utilise Special Tools
One of the best ways to choose a bathroom tap that matches your bathroom design is to utilise the power of modern technology. Conduct as much online research as you can to see what’s out there, and what other people are doing that you might be able to draw inspiration from. Our bathroom inspiration section will be able to help you out in a big way. A simple Google search to see some of the other “mix and match” combinations can help to put you on your way, after which you can get some expert advice to find the right tap that matches your taste level and general needs.
Asking For Advice Before Buying a Bathroom Tap
The Bella Bathrooms team loves supplying exceptional bathroom taps to people looking to take their bathroom spaces to the next level. From the basin, bath, shower and even bidet taps, we’ve got you covered no matter what you’re looking for. Our team can also help to answer any of the more practical questions you have before making a final design decision. We’ll always play open cards with you about your options, as well as pointing you in the right direction for where to find the bathroom taps that will make all your dreams come true.