If the popular Australian show The Block has you exploring a new garden oasis, or you’re just upping your hallway game ahead of hosting a big party, you might take inspiration from and be tempted to sneak in a few products from the show to help turn your house into a home once and for all. But where do you begin to look for products that are similar to those you’ve seen on the show? If you’re not about to import items from Down Under, there is a way for you to get what you want at a better price, and possibly with a much shorter turnaround time. Behold the following places you can order some of the best remodeling products on the market from.


Redoing Your Flooring Like on ‘The Block

Not dissimilar to contestants on the show, if you’re looking to refurbish a place and to try and sell it at a profit, you might want to start by redoing the flooring. Try laminate options for something on the lower maintenance end of the spectrum, or vinyl planks for something that offers an entirely different way to round off the room. Either can be sourced from right here, with incredible prices that will likely end up leaving you with a bit more wiggle room in your budget for other items to enhance the attractiveness of the building even more. 


Where To Buy Tiles From ‘The Block

When you have tiles on the mind, regardless of whether you’re watching the first or the ninth season of the show, it’s possible to get a wide range of similar choices over here. We’re talking marble, metro, wood-look, decor, ceramic, mosaic and even terrazzo options. If one of the couples on The Block is working with a specific type that has caught your attention, chat to the Bella Bathrooms team about getting something as close as possible (if not identical) to what you’re looking for. 


Black tap with hex background


Buying The Right Kitchen Taps and Sinks

No home renovation project is complete without factoring in the kitchen, which can often be transformed by something as simple as adding new taps and sinks to the space. If you’ve seen an idea on the show that has given you the itch for a remodel, you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get the desired effect and result. Explore some new accessories for the space as well, which will change the mood and likely get you feeling more calm in the space as well. The stylish ideas from The Block will have you getting a contractor in before you can even say “demolish”!


Extra Inspiration For Your Renovation

For an extra nudge of inspiration to make the most of your renovation, the Bella Bathrooms are able to offer you more than just a bit of practical advice. Our website has an entire section dedicated to bathroom refurbishing inspiration, which is a good place to start before landing on an overall feel or design of the entire space you’re working with. Your renovation might even be so eye-catching that it may help in your audition tape if the South African version of the show ever returns to our television screens in the future.